Frequently Asked Questions
Getting Involved
I’d like to help you, what can I do to help?
We are delighted you would like to help people in your local area. As we have no direct contact with the families we help and no premises, it is tricky for individuals or companies to get involved in a hands-on way such as delivering, packing etc. Ways that you can help would be:
Fundraising and awareness raising activities – e.g. a company golf day, cake sale, exercise class, etc.
See our volunteer roles below
How can I volunteer?
Whilst we don’t have direct involvement with our beneficiaries, we are often looking for people to help us run the charity. Please see our News and Events page for more information. We are always happy to discuss any ideas you may have or if you would just like to chat to learn more about what we need. Please email us at in the first instance.
What if I haven't worked in a while?
Working for the charity is a great way to show future employers how you’ve been able to utilise your skills outside of the conventional workplace. We are open to talking to anyone who can show us their passion, usefulness and dedication, whether you’ve been in formal work recently or not.
Making donations
Can I give you a donation?
Absolutely! We would be delighted to receive a donation. You can give in a variety of ways: monthly direct debit/standing order, one-time gift via card (via our website) or bank transfer, through your company such as payroll giving, a collection from a club/event, for instance. Also, if you are a UK taxpayer your donation could be worth up to 25% extra to us through Gift Aid when you complete a Gift Aid declaration which we can send you.
If you wish to fundraise on our behalf, or donate in any other way, please contact us on
What will my donation be spent on?
Your donation will be used to help vulnerable local families in line with our mission – and the fact that we have no paid staff, premises, or capital assets means that you can be confident that your donation will be spent on direct help for families. If you want your donation to be used for something specifically, such as the Christmas Appeal please tell us and we will do that.
Can I give you some used bedding/clothes/a buggy?
We are grateful for some excellent condition secondhand items but as we do not have any premises we are unable to store much. If you are able to keep hold of such items until needed you could check our Facebook page for updates or ask to be added to one of our mailing lists, as we do put out requests for items when the need arises.
Can I give you unused food or toiletries?
We provide Children’s Services with emergency supplies for destitute families. At times we contact a mailing list of willing volunteers and ask them if they could help with specific items that have been requested. We make up any shortfall from our funds. If you would like to be added to this list, please contact us on:, putting ‘Emergency supplies’ in the subject line.
Assistance we provide
I/my friends need help, how can I refer them to you?
We only accept referrals from West Kent Children’s Services for families living within Sevenoaks District Council or Dartford Council. If you live in this location and have a Children's Services social worker or Early Help worker, please ask them about how we could help you and what you need. If you are not but live in the area we cover, it is open to you to self-refer to Early Help.
What sort of things do you provide to families?
It depends on that family’s needs in their particular circumstances. We most often provide food, white goods, beds and mattresses and other basic furniture, children's clothes and shoes and baby essentials, for example, but we do also provide more specific and unusual things where there is a need that can’t otherwise be met.
Christmas appeal
How can I sign up to help with your Christmas Appeal?
Thank you! We love that you want to get involved. You can sign up here:
Why do some children get a voucher and others get toys?
Children’s Services know these families and their situations better than us. In some circumstances, it would make a child’s day to be able to go to a shop and choose their own gift. They might not ever get the opportunity to do something like this. Or it might give them the chance to go out with their friends in a way they rarely get to. We appreciate your understanding in this area but if you would prefer to buy an actual gift, please let us know and we will try to match you to the right child.
I usually spend more on my own children, can I spend more than the £25 limit?
Please keep in mind that you may be helping one child out of several in one family. To keep it as fair as we can, we ask all donors to stick to the same value so that no child is made to feel left out or somehow less worthy on Christmas Day. We really appreciate your help and understanding on this one!
Getting in touch
I need to get in touch with you, what's the best way?
Please email us at: